Being a Student Ambassador
My freshman year of high school brought about many experiences that I’ll remember for the rest of my life. Throughout the year, I was introduced to people and situations which have probably forever changed me. One of the most impactful experiences from this year was being a student ambassador for my school. Being a student ambassador for our school encompasses roles like being present for open houses, talking to incoming parents, helping to organize events led by the school, and one of my favorite activities, giving school day tours to incoming students known as “shadows”.
Giving tours to these “shadows” taught me a lot about not only our school, but also about communicating with others and perhaps even some customer service skills. These “shadows” are a year younger than their guide (the student ambassador), and sign up for the program to get a taste of what the school life would be the upcoming year. As a shadow guide, I was able to talk to students and tell them all about our school and got to learn about their school life as well.
By no means was being a student ambassador easy. It requires time-commitment, dedication, hard-work, and willingness to participate in activities that may lie outside your comfort zone. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I was a student ambassador, and we had to accommodate the peculiar situation by hosting events online. This led to me solo-ing songs and singing karaoke with people I didn’t know, both of which were certainly out of my comfort zone.
Even though being a student ambassador may be tough sometimes, the benefits that come along with assuming this honorable position cannot be understated. This program has allowed me to learn key communication, leadership, and life skills that will carry on with me for the rest of high school, college, and life after that. These skills are important in day-to-day life along with just about every profession that the job market has to offer, and I’m grateful that my school has given me the opportunity to learn them through the student ambassador program.